At that moment, a teenage girl named Saiyune was flying alongside her White dragon, Nefron.
Saiyune had never had an easy life. Her parents were both members of the Black Dragon Clan. From the moment she was born, Saiyune was unwillingly taught in the Black Arts. They did not ever gie her the most important thing a child needed: love. When Saiyune turned seven, it came time for her to be bonded to a dragon. Her parents were certain that all the darkness they had surrounded her with would make her a candidate for a Black Dragon. When she entered the cave, a Dragon-keeper blindfolded her and led her toward the dragons. That was when she met Nefron. Nefron gave her the love her parents would not. When they learned of this bond, Saiyune's parents were livid, and increased her training. Their disappointment led to even more abuse. Nefron became her only friend. They put up with it for nine years, then Saiyune and Nefron decided to leave. Her parents didn't even care.
"Where are we going?" Saiyune asked Nefron.
I sense a powerful Silver Dragon. Nefron answered.
"Do you think the dragon knows about Stefan?" Saiyune asked.
It's plausible. Only the most pure-hearted children are chosen by Silver Dragons. Stefan despises the pure-hearted because they are harder to corrupt.
"Then let's meet this dragon and its owner." Saiyune said.
Nefron nodded. Follow my lead.
Together, they descended. When they landed, Nefron approached Minerva.
My name is Nefron. My mistress is at a crucial moment in her life. I want to point her in the right direction. said Nefron.
Is that her over there? asked Minerva.
Yes, her name is Saiyune. Nefron answered.
Then we will do what we can. said Minerva.
Atop the Fourth Wall... Dot Com
10 years ago